e-bike riders get more exercise than cyclists

e-bike riders get more exercise than cyclists

Believe it or not, a groundbreaking study by Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives has emerged, shattering the conventional belief that e-bike riders engage in less physical activity compared to traditional cyclists. Contrary to popular perception, this study reveals that e-bike riders actually get more exercise than their pedal-powered counterparts. The findings challenge the notion that e-biking is a less physically demanding form of transportation and open up a new perspective on the health benefits associated with this increasingly popular mode of travel.

In recent years, e-bikes have gained significant popularity, revolutionizing the way people commute and explore their surroundings. These electric-powered bicycles provide riders with an extra boost of assistance, making cycling easier and more accessible, particularly for individuals who may face physical limitations or have concerns about endurance. While critics have often argued that e-bikes offer a less physically strenuous experience, this study disrupts those assumptions and uncovers the surprising truth about the exercise benefits of e-bike riding.

The study delves into an extensive review of 18 European studies, including both published and unpublished sources, to examine the physical activity levels of e-bike riders compared to traditional cyclists. It takes into account various factors such as distance covered, travel patterns, and mode substitution to provide a comprehensive analysis of the health implications associated with e-biking.

E-Bike Riders Get More Exercise than Cyclists, Study Reveals

Believe it or not, a recent study has revealed that e-bike riders actually get more exercise than traditional cyclists. This surprising finding challenges the common perception that e-bikes provide a less physically demanding form of transportation. The study, which reviewed 18 European studies on e-bike usage, sheds light on the potential health benefits associated with e-biking.

Lets see how much exercise do you get on an e bike

Electric bicycles result in more exercise:

One of the key findings of the study is the substitution effect of e-bikes/electric bikes on other modes of transportation. In Denmark, a survey of over 400 e-bikers found that they substituted conventional bicycle trips (64%), car trips (49%), and bus trips (48%). Similarly, a trial conducted in the United Kingdom among 80 employees revealed that 43% of participants reported less car use as a driver, 37% reported less walking, 33% reported fewer bus trips, and 25% reported less conventional cycling during the trial. These findings indicate that e-bikes are effectively replacing sedentary modes of transportation and encouraging individuals to engage in more physical activity. Ebikes are also good for cardiovascular health benefits which one associates with conventional bikes. A pedal bike can put extra muscle strain on the people which an experienced cyclist can handle but can be a bit tough on other people. An electric bike gives opportunity to regular people to ride with moderate intensity and burn calories.

Faster and More Efficient E-Bike Trips

Interestingly, e-bike trips were found to be faster than conventional bicycle trips, particularly when sharing the road with motorized traffic. This suggests that e-bikes can provide a more efficient and time-saving mode of transportation, making them an attractive option for individuals with time constraints or longer distances to cover. The average speed of e-bikes was also comparable to urban public transport, further highlighting their practicality and convenience. On an ebike you can decide how much effort you want to put as per you fitness levels. Longer rides are possible for longer periods resulting into a great exercise and a great workout. The motor can provide assistance allowing you to ride longer which conventional cyclists can do.

Characteristics of E-Bike Riders

When comparing e-bike/electric bike riders to traditional cyclists, several differences were observed. E-bikers were, on average, significantly older, had higher car access, and had a higher body mass index (BMI). However, no substantial differences were found in terms of sex, level of education, and income. This indicates that e-biking appeals to a diverse range of individuals, regardless of demographic factors.

Travel Patterns and Physical Activity Levels

In terms of travel patterns, e-bikers or electric bikes users reported using their bikes with a similar frequency as cyclists used traditional bicycles. However, e-bikers had significantly lower frequencies of public transport use, cycling, and walking compared to cyclists. This suggests that e-bikers (electric bikes user) rely more heavily on their e-bikes as their primary mode of transportation, whereas cyclists may use a combination of different modes. E-bikers also reported longer trip durations and distances compared to cyclists (conventional bike riders), indicating that they are engaging in more extended and physically demanding rides.

Staying Fit On an E-Bike for Athletes

For athletes, a pedal assist bike is a boon that allows them to train even when partially injured. Riding an e bike can give you a good warm-up before you get into rigorous exercise. Many cyclists prefer an electric bike during the off-season when they are not riding a mountain bike, road bike or cyclocross bike.

Five tips for getting fit on an ebike

Five Tips For Getting Fit On An Ebike.

1. Set Goals

Determine your fitness goals and create a plan that incorporates your e-bike rides. Whether it’s increasing endurance, improving cardiovascular health, or losing weight, having clear objectives will keep you motivated and focused on achieving results.

2. Gradual Intensity:

Start with shorter rides and gradually increase the intensity over time. Challenge yourself by tackling longer distances or riding at higher assist levels. This progressive approach will help improve your fitness and prevent overexertion.

3. Use Pedal Assist Wisely

Experiment with different levels of pedal assist on your e-bike. Use higher assist levels when you need an extra boost, such as riding uphill or against strong headwinds. Lower assist levels can provide a more challenging workout by requiring increased effort from your muscles. A normal bike does not have this feature so ride e bikes and stay fit.

4. Mix it Up

Don’t limit yourself to one type of ride. Vary your routes and terrain to engage different muscle groups and keep your workouts interesting. Include intervals of higher intensity riding, such as sprints or hill climbs, to further enhance your fitness level.

5. Track Your Progress

Utilize fitness tracking apps or devices to monitor your rides, track distance, speed, and calories burned. Keeping a record of your progress will not only help you stay accountable but also allow you to see improvements over time and adjust your workouts accordingly.

Source: Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Read the complete study: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/transportation-research-interdisciplinary-perspectives

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